From halves the '400 at the end of 500 the most important days of the Carnival were, then as today, the Thursday and the Tuesday. “ Grasso” .In that days the population assisted to the official parties, that were held in the public plazas. At the end of the Seven hundred one, following the fall of the Republic in Venice, when, with the essay of Campoformio, the city was surrendered by French to Austria, the official Carnival in the lagoon city plain pian disappeared, for then to reappear only in recent times. You taken back to organize to bring him/it him to the ancient origins beginning from the years '80. Today the masks coming from the whole world crowd the Venetian fields, but above all Plaza St. Mark and its coffees. Close to the traditional masks eccentric and fanciful disguises are mixed, dances are organized, parties…. Venezia apartments rentals